There I was – working at my desk. Doing what my client calls “working your magic” when along came a medical bill that had been sent to collection.
Hah! I laughed & thought to myself “Piece of Cake.”
So, I did my usual magic.
But, the collection agency did an unusual thing: they provided every piece of documentation I requested. They even had the original care provider send an itemized bill, with codes, descriptions, and diagnosis.
Which I reviewed. With a magnifying glass. Convinced I would uncover the error.
Piece of cake, my left foot. Not so fast there. Not so fast at all.
Turns out I had run into only the second bill in several years, out of a thousand bills worked on, that was accurate.
Unreal. What a surprise.
And, furthermore, the provider’s ledger clearly showed the insurance company payment and the reason there was a balance.
Lucky for me, only 2 out of a thousand have been accurate.
UNLUCKY for everyone else.
What are the chances your medical bill or medical debt is in the 0.2% club?
Me, me, pick me! I can answer that.
Your chances of an accurate bill or accurate bill in collections is teeny tiny wee little.
My client paid the bill as the burden of proof was met. Then, I sent the collection agency a note telling them how nice it was to see someone who had their stuff organized, and they said “Thank You!”
That just gave me hope that one day I will be able to retire. Only 99.8% of the bills to go…
Hit us up if you need help.
We’ll help you pay only what you owe!
©2023 Ronda Cobb, the Money Coach™
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