I believe that our role as coaches is to give our clients the tools & advice necessary to help them develop a sense of…
⚡Their OWN Power ⚡
Last week, someone sent me a new referral. I was thrilled, as I always am, to have a potential new client. The ability to positively influence someone’s life is the only reason I coach people.
Because reducing financial stress is a life-changing event. 🌠
As I reviewed the potential new client’s information, I was struck by the challenge ahead of them. It’s not impossible, but the usual timeframe of the Forget You Program™ was simply not going to be met. Was I going to have to do the un-thinkable and not accept this client into the program?
It’s a topic that not many coaches (or lawyers, accountants, & medical doctors) want to talk about because it addresses some of the CONFLICTS in a coaching business.
It touches every one of the coaches I know. Do you present the real challenge and offer the client alternatives that may not include you? Or, do you “make the sale” and carry on as if all is well? Or, do you calmly explain the challenges and offer a modified program, with a modified price?
Real choices in a real world. I am the straight-forward, almost too honest person. Don’t ask me what I think if you don’t want to know.
These people need help! What’s worse was the person referring them was livid that I would consider not squeezing them into a program that wouldn’t – in the end – fit their needs.
They wanted to use their INFLUENCE to bully me into doing what I considered a deep wrong. How could I, Ms. Almost Too Honest, knowingly accept a paying client yet bring less than normal results?
Next week I’ll tell you what I did… I’ve already finished the conversation with the potential client.
This experience has sat forefront in my mind all week. I think each one of us has the ability to offer HOPE. Genuine Hope. Not the flakey fake false hope, with a little ‘h’.
This will help every person you come into contact with, regardless of your mission.
Be the 🌎– RIPPLE OF IMPACT–🌎 you would most like to see in the world.
The real Hope you spread, doing what you do best, for those whom you serve and teach. It might not make millions but it will make you feel warm & fuzzy& authentic.
What’s more important is that my clients will know that someone can use their influence to raise awareness and reduce stress, with integrity. Instead of taking advantage of a vulnerable person seeking genuine help.
I’m good with that.
What would you have done?
©2023 Ronda Cobb, the Money Coach™
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