If you think you might be, let’s discuss this.
At its’ best, being vulnerable can be a positive attribute. Being open to human interaction, community, relationships, and the wonders of caring, friendship, and love is the bravest, most fulfilling vulnerability there is. Right?
When taken to extremes, being vulnerable can result in a negative attribute closely resembling gullible.
Recent trends in main stream media, advertising, and widely accepted “norms” leads me to conclude that too many of us are too vulnerable to commercial and AI influencers. I thought I needed to get my eyes checked when I read that over 15% of social media posts are from bots.
I don’t even know what a bot is, but it sounds like a criminally corrupt species whose sole goal is to convince us that we should spend frivolously, act irresponsibly, and be mean at all times. Creepy, no?
For example, when you see a sign or post that says “Give yourself the gift of a debt consolidation loan” what do you think? Do you automatically think “I deserve a gift! Of course, that will be easy, I’ll get one of those.”?
Is this a good idea or a bad idea?
Or, when money is tight and you’re having difficulty making your high car payment so you call the loan company for assistance. They say “Well, you should trade it in for a new model.” Do you automatically do that?
Is that really in your best interest? Does it solve the original problem?
Or, one of my least favorites, when you have a medical situation but they claim to be unable to find the reason so they run every test imaginable – the more invasive and expensive, the better they like it. This results in medical debt you cannot comprehend; and, you still feel sickly.
Is that normal or the new normal?
If any of these…or many more examples too numerous to list…are at the top of your list of issues to resolve in 2023, reach out. Help is only a conversation away.
To answer the question – no, you’re not gullible. You’ve been over-sold. It’s time to say no thanks to excess spending and bad financial choices.
©2023 Ronda Cobb, the Money Coach
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