That depends on what IT is, right? And on how strong you are.
As a small child, my Grandfather described me as “hard-headed”. I never took that as a compliment since he didn’t mean it as one. It was a dunning critique to a wee female who refused to blindly follow a mandate.
And, honestly, I’m not sure how much that has changed. Tigers rarely trade in their stripes for blasé beige hide. Blindly following isn’t much of an attribute, in my opinion.
Yet, this morning over coffee, I was thinking about some of the people I know. Perhaps they could be described as hard-headed as well. Which makes sense, we tend to run with those we are comfortable with.
However,I don’t intend or mean that as a dunning critique.
I see it differently. Hard-headed means focused, driven, or confident in your pathway of life. Or does it?
Maybe it still means I’m standing in my own way and can’t see the forest for the trees. I notice some of my acquaintances are suffering this same problem.
Which brings me to our question: Can You Do IT?
Can you ease off hard-headed and come to focused, driven and confident? Momentarily take your foot off the accelerator of life and reflect on the fuel.
Because if I’m too stubborn to get out of my own way, how many times will I fall before I examine the root cause and take deep corrective action?
And ‘my people’ could use a little tete-a-tete with themselves as well. See if you agree..
One says they’re going to lose 50 pounds but still hasn’t changed their food selections or gone to the gym.
One says they’re going home from the hospital – bypassing rehab – but refuses to partake of physical therapy and cannot reach the bathroom without aide.
One says they’re starting a business and has spent thousands on it, yet hesitates to book a client.
One has extraordinary skills, but refuses to use them.
How long should we continue the “insane” behavior that is blocking our desired progress?
How much money will we spend seeking? But, without action on our own part and without clearing the cobwebs of our minds, hearts, and attitude will that money& time be wasted?
This year, I’ve focused like never before. I’ve worked, measured, monitored, enrolled, studied, and – like a good tiger – I am ready to POUNCE! Yummy prey is only a hop, skip, and jump away.
That prey might be you…LOL…because there are numerous people who have said for years that this is the year they’re going to get their financial house in order.
And, I ask you again, Can You Do IT?
Whatever you are seeking, will you join me in getting out of our own darn way to reap the rewards that hard work, focus, preparation, and inherent skill will surely bring us?
©2022 Ronda Cobb, the Money Coach
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